How is Two Sigma?

How is Two Sigma? Interested in them, how is the wlb, culture, TC progession, interesting work etc

Two Sigma XPll65 Feb 8, 2023

WLB is good, TC progression is slow-ish, interesting work is subjective but I’m not bored yet :)

Virtu Financial prcH70 Feb 19, 2023

What counts as slow-ish? How much k/year first several years?

Citadel yWVf56 Feb 9, 2023

Hmm, been hearing two sigma is stepping up $. I suspect the over hiring the last couple of years + having first pick vs others spending to catch up, might tilt some scales the next couple of years

Two Sigma kUuY76 Feb 9, 2023

Maybe, maybe not. I would expect substantial increase in comp and substantially worse WLB if I moved to your company.

Citadel BmeV44 Feb 10, 2023

Two Sigma can get close to Citadel for the right people, though for me they were < than half of Citadel.

BlackRock NSaj21 Feb 10, 2023

Two Sigma is one of the top pay masters in Finance. If you are Citadel, then TC should be comparable.

Amazon XFuR04 Feb 13, 2023

Does 2S allow for remote work or just NYC based?

BlackRock NSaj21 Feb 14, 2023

Forget remote work once you get out of FAANG and bay area. Rest of the world goes to work like it used to be.

Two Sigma wanderboy Feb 14, 2023

It’s on a case by case basis atm