Is this the best time to buy Nvidia stock?

Any suggestions please? #nvidia #stocks #investments

Microsoft 🥜tella Feb 22

Yes this is a much better time to buy than when the Stock was $40

Wayfair LaidOffPR Feb 22


Google NoHaego Feb 22

When it tanks

PayPal techCog Feb 22

It’s not a great time to buy NVDA but based on your overall portfolio and goals, etc, I think the stock is still attractive and still has considerable upside potential. Also, a note on the Google:NoHaego post above me: that guy missed out buying EVERYTHING because he thought it was always too expensive so he refuses to buy a house , refuses to buy any index funds, refuses to buy any stocks, and has been doing this for at least a year (often switching names), and as you know, if you bought a house, bought into an index fund, and bought NVDA a year ago, you world have done incredibly well. So, I suggest you ignore the “crash is coming” cult people — they are just bitter that they missed out on everything, and they give incredibly poor — and costly — “financial advice.”

Microsoft utxo Feb 22

Nah. stack 🌽

Meta chat2 Feb 22

Yes buy super duper high

State Street atdeadend Feb 22

It's at 52 week max, better to wait for a pull back

Uber balanala Feb 22

Yes, of course. Buy now please

Microsoft coplanar Feb 22


Google prime13 Feb 23

It was on Wed when it dropped ~5%. I know I did - bought calls and shares, but sold OTM covered calls too.