
To VMware 🥂

I still remember the day I installed VMware player and used it to play windows 95 iso image on windows 98 for the very first time. Never thought I could indeed work for VMware one day. It is still sad to see it is falling apart. At the end, it’s just a business after all. I had such a great time working here. To all of VMware colleagues, we are the best and tomorrow is going to be fine for all of us. 🍻 #vmware

Apple f@milygif Feb 15

What's going wrong with the company.

apqter Feb 15

It got bought out

Apple f@milygif Feb 15

Would you care to provide more details? Like what exactly is going wrong

Woven by Toyota Code.Leet Feb 15

What changed except no more WFH?

Dropbox unitedkiwi Feb 15

Massive layoffs usually induce chaos and WLB issues

Microsoft teph Feb 15

That’s not true. Massive layoffs are needed at times

Ford Motor Company teri_MachE Feb 15

Correct me if I'm wrong. From what my friend tells me after the merger in October end a lot of good people were let go off. She tells me that her current manager is asking her to work on creating a PPT on how they don't need that many people in her current team and how they can save up more on cost. The number of calls she attends after hours has increased a lot recently and there is a lot of miscommunication between the managers because they want to one up one another. The manager just wants to impress the management and he doesn't give a shit about the team members.

VMware sos🏳️ Feb 15

This tracks

VMware VMWbyHock Feb 15

After-hours calls? For what lol? No one is selling anything right now.

VMware Jok3s Feb 15

All the best, OP. I always regret not joining before.

VMware olddmonk Feb 15

It is doing better business now, it’s just RTO is mandatory now.

VMware 404Success Feb 15

Well VMware as a company is gone but the products stay and Broadcom will make more profits from them.

VMware xaawylxaf Feb 15

I will always miss VMware. Such a great employer!