eBay - Final on-site 3 rounds SWE3

Hi all, I’ve an upcoming final 3 rounds at eBay for SWE3 role (San Jose). Each round is of 45 mins. Can anyone throw some info on how each round will look like? 1. Should it be LC med or hard question? 2. Will it from LC tagged questions eBay? 3. Also what type of system design it might ask? High level or low level? Appreciate if anyone can share their interview experience at eBay or current employees. Thank you so much #engineering #software #swe #ebay #vmware #amazon #google #facebook #onsite TC: 200k ( MTS2)

Meta JayBalayya Sep 21, 2022

Why i have 4 rounds for same pos, sanfransisco

Google wisjbe Feb 6, 2023

My spouse has an interview coming up at ebay, can you please let me know your interview experience..was it from LC ebay tagged question?

VMware vmware_sf OP Feb 7, 2023

Yes it was LC tagged questions only

Google wisjbe Feb 7, 2023

Can you also please share about the system design round