Tech IndustryApr 30, 2021

Basecamp, Coinbase, and Corp culture

Should tech companies follow the lead of Basecamp and Coinbase on politics in the workplace? #tech #politics

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Netflix vinc3)3$ Apr 30, 2021

Your voting choices are misleading. It’s not just about the vote and the pay check, it’s also about inclusion and less left-leaning propaganda pushed by the vocalBut small radical groups. It’s about returning to professionalism at work rather than using every crisis to push for a political agenda by pressuring businesses to do X. It’s about empathy.

LinkedIn meetball Apr 30, 2021

Well said!

Netflix vinc3)3$ Apr 30, 2021

Thank you, brother

BNY Mellon Mypq48 Apr 30, 2021

Just after Coinbase announced it's new policy it was revealed that it was paying women and POCs less for similar roles. Gee, I wonder why Coinbase didn't want to talk about inclusion.

Netflix vinc3)3$ Apr 30, 2021

You know you can slice and dice data in so many way, I am making less money than all directors at Netflix, and some of them are black? Is it because I am Asian or because of 1000 other factors, hmmmmmmmmm

goodJuJuSh Apr 30, 2021

Tons of people including white men are fleeing basecamp lmao

Netflix vinc3)3$ Apr 30, 2021

Only woke Mob did, but hardworking and reasonable people will stay and they company will become much more efficient, good for them,