Got an interview coming up at Stripe. Help!

I’ve never been more scared to interview before. I’ve interviewed at every FAANG but know that stripe interviews are different. What can I expect here? Do you recommend I use a web based IDE like hackerrank or using my own? I really have no clue how to prepare. #engineering #software #swe

Snap abml83 Feb 22

Curious also

Pinterest 📌pintasti Feb 22

Use the one you’re most familiar with. The problems aren’t too hard but it’s kind of a live paired working environment I didn’t love it since I didn’t have deep knowledge with vsCode or intellij since Google uses their own internal flavor of both

Google 🦸hero Feb 23

Use your own IDE like IntelliJ for Java. Get comfortable with using a unit testing framework in that dev environment. Not sure what more you can do.

Snap LC Hard OP Feb 23

Do you think I’ll have to install dependencies and call apis and such?

Google 🦸hero Feb 23

Don’t think so. I’ve heard that you usually code up an Algo problem in your IDE, and write unit tests to validate the answer. On-site can have you clone a repo and debug issues with the interviews.

magnifica Feb 26 paid resource but you get to practice with someone who can coach you through the stripe process good luck

Google 🦸hero Feb 26

If you need to pay for these services, you’ve got a serious skill issue. Stripe engineers didn’t pay for this garbage. If you’re not capable of grinding and think paying them to help you will land the role, pay up and waste your money.