Security CareerMar 20, 2023

Cybersecurity - Enterprise Sales Engineer, where to go next?

Hi I've been a sales engineer for a fairly long time at tenable. It's been over 4 years and I'm ready for my next jump. I'm currently in cloud security but have previous experience at CrowdStrike and proofpoint. Current salary $165,000 base, $55,000 commissions, $80,000 sticks vested over 4 years where I've received all and am ready to cash out. I want to jump to another company in the cybersecurity space, wouldn't mind a startup. What companies would you recommend that I look into that would allow me to make the same TC if not more? I am also interested in management now that I'm 30 and I actually feel very well prepared to be a good manager (have management experience). Thanks.

Palo Alto Networks 123zzzz Mar 20, 2023

Panw has a lot of sales eng openings.

Tenable cloud-sec OP Mar 20, 2023

What's the salary gonna look like?

Databricks ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. Mar 20, 2023

Check out Wiz.

Palo Alto Networks Zero_Trust Apr 25, 2023

You can easily make more than that at any of the larger Cybersecurity vendors. Head to RSA this week, and virtually anyone with a booth on the main floor will pay their engineers more than that. A lot more for higher level principal, distinguished etc.

Tenable cloud-sec OP Apr 26, 2023

I'm 27 and don't think I'm quite there for principal levels of SE. I want to stay in Enterprise or majors but also have 4 years of management experience so I'm really interested in managing a team but again not enough experience to really apply as an external candidate.