CompensationNov 1, 2018

Offer from inphi for Sr. Staff Product Engineer

13 yoe @ grade7 @ intel. Got offer for 175k base, 150k rsu’s. No sign on bonus. This is grade 9 level @ intel. Should I negotiate more or looks good? Any thoughts?

Microsoft JSYW47 Nov 1, 2018

You get about the same amount as a fresh grad for hardware positions at FANG companies (less base, more stock, more bonus). I'd try to negotiate RSUs to at least 200K, and maybe apply to some other positions.

Intel intel7 OP Nov 1, 2018

Thanks. I am applying but no other standing offers. Will try to negotiate and join but will continue looking

Microsoft JSYW47 Nov 1, 2018

I recommend applying to hardware (Azure, CSI) positions at Microsoft. You'd probably come in at LV63 Senior Engineer and make significantly more than your current best offer.