Fitbit sr. Engineer compensation

How’s compensation for fitbit sr. Eng at SFO & san diego locations?

Fitbit Nj6kh Aug 27, 2017

I'm assuming embedded. Seniors get 130-150kish base in SF, a little less for SD. My manager made 170k base. TBH the band is pretty wide, so they'll definitely have the flexibility to offer you more than you're making. We are hiring all disciplines aggressively so you should be able to negotiate well.

Fitbit ♋house Aug 29, 2017

It depends on the kind of engineer. Senior can make 130-180 depending on discipline, but you'll find averages around 135-140

EPAM Systems vQvi74 Jun 7, 2019

Seniors are around 150-160k

Qualcomm befk34 Feb 14, 2020

Ping ! Can someone provide latest info here? What is the band of base salary for senior engg?