new relic take home

has anyone else done this? i have twice submitted solutions for their take home exercise. My first was questionable....but it got me another interview. that interview was good, i was told. a bit later i was rejected based on the code submission that was originally accepted. second one i cleaned up a lot. it rocked the requirements i was given. even exceeding some. i corrected all the previous mistakes and incorporated the managers feedback from last time...albeit succinct. after a few weeks...rejected based on code submission. I have no idea wtf they expect to find in that code. If you are willing to share....i would love to compare implementations. i hate these take home things. incredibly ambiguous acceptance criteria.

⌨️ Jun 25, 2020

Stop doing take homes. If you think people will actually go through your solution you are greatly mistaken. It's hard enough getting peer reviews from colleagues on a common, supposedly known codebase. What do you think they'll do with new stuff thrown at them w/o the person in question there? Last take-home that I did was for a senior position and evaluated ( and rejected) by their intern.

Oracle mod(0) OP Jun 25, 2020

This is good advice. I had vowed to stop doing them. I did this one since I thought it should be a no brainer with my previous solution and limited feedback in hand. I was naive.