Tech IndustryJul 7, 2022

Twitter layoffs

House of cards at twitter has fallen. To all those who have affected…please comment so that other blinders can help. The big names are feeling the crunch. #twitter #layoffs

Twitter lays off 30% of its talent acquisition team – TechCrunch
Twitter lays off 30% of its talent acquisition team – TechCrunch
emrS81 Jul 7, 2022

Put the blame on Elon

Twitter a2a5 Jul 8, 2022

I don't think you can blame layoffs entirely on Elon. It's a combination of profitability (or lack thereof), current market conditions (layoffs are happening all over tech, there's no reason to think Twitter would otherwise be immune), Jack Dorsey's departure (resulting in Twitter's stock losing ~30%), and yes, the drama with Elon.

Adobe bxkg12 Jul 7, 2022

Laying off less than 1/3 of the talent search team and nothing else doesn't exactly sound like the sky is falling. Is there more to it than that?

Pure Storage SWE1234 Jul 7, 2022

If they are having a hiring freeze, what's the point in having recruiters. Seems ok to get rid of recruiters. It is business after all.

Meta heb8219 Jul 7, 2022

Recruiting team?

Twitter OjAQ08 Jul 7, 2022

It was mostly contractors. Recruiters are also the first to go if there’s a hiring freeze. Pretty standard

App Annie twaT87 Jul 7, 2022

This at least means twitter is not planning to lift the hiring freeze. Still not a good sign

Twitter icjk Jul 8, 2022

It’s a combination of Elon, a hiring freeze, the economy and lack of profitability. I believe the reason recruiting was impacted is because current and previous leadership hired too many recruiters and created layers that over bloated the team. Essentially comes down to poor leadership in TA.

Twitter spaceboy2 Jul 8, 2022

More silent layoffs have been happening, the difference this time is the laid off the more publicly spoken people and were caught of guard by how quickly the media picked up on it.

Twitter IYHA40 Jul 8, 2022

Yes. The layoffs are happening in the form of PIPs or threatened PIPs to make people resign.

Twitter IYHA40 Jul 8, 2022

If you still have a job at Twitter don’t wait to get out. More layoffs are coming.