What software company will grow the most (% of rev) in the next 10 years?

Polling. Only including the biggest by revenue. Among these, which will have the most % growth over the next decade?

119 Participants
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NVIDIA tsgvedg Jan 5

Your company

Databricks SnowfIake OP Jan 5

❤️ easier to grow from a base of $2B though

Investment Bank Glinda Jan 5

You are right about the base. My Microsoft shares were purchased at $20-28 and I am obviously happy with the return. The stock should break $400 in the next year.

Google lHJM58 Jan 5


Databricks SnowfIake OP Jan 5

That means it has to accelerate significantly from 12% today, or everyone else stops growing as fast…. As a % of revenue, MSFT is among the slowest growers on the list

Microsoft sYWn51 Jan 5

Why only software? Don’t forget the HW guys who will rule this decade - Nvidia, Broadcom

Databricks SnowfIake OP Jan 5

Why do you think hw will be more important here than it was during cloud computing? Doesn’t hardware always get commoditized?

Microsoft sYWn51 Jan 5

Platforms are evolving, and the hardware that will power the next decade of workloads will be very different than what is the case today. Hence, more innovation in this space seems to be coming. It will eventually get commoditized, but I do not see that at least 5-7yrs out. Think back to the 80s, 90s and how hardware/ Intel led the charge.

Microsoft DesiStud Jan 5

Seriously?? Who thinks it is easier for a 2.5T Microsoft to double rather than 0.7B adyen (already growing at ~30% yoy)

Meta UwCx48 Jan 5

Microsoft Open A 👁️ Jan 5