Tech IndustryJan 30, 2023

From linkedin, so true..

I’m furious. It makes me sick reading about women getting laid off while giving birth, or people laid off while on business trips, or laid off after recently uprooting their families across the country (or even the world) to work for a corporation that does not give a damn about them as human beings. What did I do for my company in the nearly 9 years I worked there you might ask? I was loyal, and honest and I gave them 100% of my creative self. Pre-Covid, I spent more waking hours at the office with my co-workers than with my own kids. I traveled the world for my company—over 40 business trips from Shanghai to London. I proselytized their message and helped launch titles that sold massive numbers and even won numerous awards. I was kind to my colleagues and never considered a job too big or too small. I gave them the best of myself. And where did I end up? On the corporate scrapheap. A middle aged man (with two children still at home) facing a very uncertain future in my industry. Why do we let these Executives—with their generational wealth snugly tucked away in the banks—have such profound control over our lives? For some meager stock options? Decent health care? A salary that enables us to live a middle class live style? But always with the Sword of Damocles over our necks—the threat that it can be taken away on any given day…to appease the voracious shareholders or as a tax write off. A seemingly random act—a purge that has a rotten tang about it. When I started working for my company as a full time employee in 2015, its market cap was around 250 billion. As of today it is nearly 2 trillion dollars. So why did they suddenly have to lay off so many people? Why are they so scared? And why are all these other companies piling on at the same time like proverbial lemmings? Do they know something we don’t? Did they arrange this together? What’s clear is that they are greedy and cowardly to boot. And they don’t give a crap about you. I’ll never buy the corporate BS ever again. I’ve had it with the rah rah speeches and self-satisfied talk about company “culture.” It’s all double speak. You might have kept your job this time, friends. But you could be next. We’re the dead canaries in the coal mine.

Stripe grinding⚙️ Jan 30, 2023

Gotta put yourself first. Downside: those are the years you'll never get back. Upside: at least you know now and won't make the same mistake again.

Bank of America GoonsOut Jan 30, 2023

If you need to talk, reach out

Lenovo LjMo33 Jan 30, 2023

You win for the most humane message I've seen on Blind. Nice to see.

Amazon SuCm33 Jan 30, 2023

Agree but what do we do to not let these executives play with our lives again ?

OpenDoor rLJI07 Jan 30, 2023

If you can't beat evil join them /s

Microsoft 4sqrs Jan 30, 2023

Well said

ByteDance TikTok777 Jan 30, 2023

I don’t mean it as an insult, but it took you 9 years to realize that?

Oracle FLwj11 Jan 30, 2023

Kool aid drinkers are slow af

Amazon YcoY08 Jan 30, 2023

Seriously. I've been grappling with dumb fucks at work for years who want to make it their life. It's pathetic.

fJiV03 Jan 30, 2023

I feel you and I am so sorry! I hope all of us land of our feet soon. This shows how important it is unionize.

Meta sodaclub Jan 30, 2023

Well said. I can feel the disappointment and anger. Unfortunately we live in a capitalist society and fairness is not a part of the philosophy. Plenty will pile on here and say that capitalism has “increased the standard of living and it’s the only way… blah blah blah.” If you are one of those people, go read Ray Dalio’s latest book (he happens to be the world’s largest hedge fund manager). There’s plenty of inefficiency in this young economic system that people are overly dogmatic about. The reality is while it’s increased the quality of life for some, it’s pushed many to the margins. Now it’s moving up the ladder and pushing more people down so there’s more visible anger. People unfortunately don’t often think about it until it effects them. Anyway, solidarity, you are not alone in your thoughts.

Verizon seeso Jan 30, 2023

I get it

Oracle pTb4hg Jan 30, 2023

I’ll never buy the corporate BS ever again. Why did you do that in the first place?

T-Mobile blind_0 Jan 30, 2023

Please don't take this as a personal insult to you, but whenever anyone writes "I was loyal", I read that as "I was a sucker". Never be "loyal" to a company. You are just a row in an excel sheet to them.