OneLogin stocks at 395M valuation on EquityZen

What do you think about OneLogin which competes along with Okta/Auth0 and have a valuation of 1/80 as of Okta?

Amazon amznHowl Jul 21, 2021

Do they plan on going public any time soon?

Calypso Technology ixnX56 OP Jul 21, 2021

No idea 🤷‍♂️. News articles seem to say it is one of the companies to watch for an IPO in 2021

Amazon amznHowl Jul 21, 2021

Okta has inflated valuation because it's a public company and the public is mad

Calypso Technology ixnX56 OP Jul 21, 2021

Yes agreed entire market has inflated prices but onelogin has 100 mil revenue and 4x PS valuation doesn’t seem too rich but I may be wrong and 100 mil revenue is not an official figure as they don’t disclose the numbers being a private company

Qualtrics kesjsnqn Jul 26, 2021

Where did you get $100M from? I saw $60M somewhere but no credible source.

Qualtrics kesjsnqn Jul 26, 2021

FWIW I am putting $16k in OneLogin in the same offering you mentioned. Authentication space is hot, I am not sure how good OneLogin’s product is but looking at LinkedIn they have gotten solid talent from already good Identity companies like Okta, Auth0. TBH haven’t had time to done a ton of research but could turn out well, or not 🤷‍♂️. I have decided to be 5% private equity in my portfolio.

Calypso Technology ixnX56 OP Jul 30, 2021

Yes, I also looked at the Glassdoor ratings and reviews and CEO ratings (>90%) looked promising. I have hardly seen such a good CEO ratings and read some old interviews of him talking about taking some time to go for IPO but take on the challenge against established players and try to grab large enterprise customers (which they seem to be doing like tesco and airbus). So all in all it sounded promising so decided to give it a shot for $30k.

Okta Grea$e Oct 4, 2021

Looks like they got bought, do you know the terms of the acquisition.. Neat return if the sale was for a good price

Okta QbBl5yF Jul 30, 2021

Onelogin has been struggling to get to an exit for years. Okta and Onelogin were both founded in 2009. Okta IPOed 4 years ago and has a worldwide employee count of 4,400. Onelogin is still private at 280 employees. They haven’t been able to scale. Don’t see any product release or announcement that will change this. Okta/Auth0 and MSFT already own the identity space. No room for cheaper, less feature rich, 3rd place player. Obvi I’m bias so trying not to throw too much shade. They have a solid cloud SSO product.

Calypso Technology ixnX56 OP Jul 30, 2021

Agreed they seem to be not expanding at a rate compared to other players but this space is huge and growing so there is a lot of room in my opinion. Thanks for your great insights though.