Seeking Yahoo referral

Hi - hoping that someone can help me out with a referral to Yahoo for recently posted position.

Microsoft salty🥜 May 1

Why would you move from Apple to Yahoo?

Apple VcbI68 OP May 1

I have a child with special needs and need a remote role.

Microsoft salty🥜 May 1

Excellent reason. Sorry bud I can’t help you with this post. Glws!

Yahoo Inc woLw53 May 2

I personally don't feel comfortable referring people who might get laid off. We're doing layoffs in different orgs here almost every week now, just under the wire. Though it seems most managers are safe.

Yahoo Inc dingaaaaa 7d

Dm me .. will refer you

Apple aUoS38 2d

can i dm too please?

Yahoo Inc dingaaaaa Yesterday
