Tech IndustryApr 12, 2022

Any insights on Udacity courses?

Has anyone ever taken them? What was your experience? Does it improve your GitHub portfolio and help you land jobs? Alternatively, are there other courses/sites people have used that they would recommend?

11 Participants
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Expedia Group 🦆🦆Go -> Apr 12, 2022

Udemy ✨

Moody's tTVq71 OP Apr 12, 2022

I haven’t had the best experience with Udemy because there aren’t enough practical examples in a lot of the courses, unless you’re taking the really popular “no experience required” ones. I’m not a beginner I’ve got 1 YOE as a C++ developer and did a minor in CS in school, but I’m looking to get more expertise and build some real world examples cause I find that’s the best way to learn. That’s why Udacity caught my eye

Amazon blind monk Apr 12, 2022

I've done some of the Udacity Nanodegrees. The content is decent and covers many specialties, but is pricey. I would only do them if there's a deal. I wouldn't list them on a resume, only do them to learn more about a topic.

Moody's tTVq71 OP Apr 12, 2022

Interesting, thanks for the insight. Why not list them on a resume? Would you at least be able to post the projects in your GitHub/on your resume? My view is that I’d be taking them to learn more about a topic (as you said) but it would also be nice to somehow represent on my resume that I have knowledge on that topic.

Amazon blind monk Apr 12, 2022

Just my opinion, certs in general aren't a great indicator of anything. Link to github repo/projects is great, but whenever someone puts FreeCodeCamp cert or Udemy cert etc. It comes across as someone very new to the topic and might hurt your resume rather than strengthen it. Maybe for new grads it's fine.