Tech IndustryNov 18, 2022

Manager who micromanages for no reason

Sorry for the long post but I could use some advice I started a new job as a Software Engineer 2.5 months ago and was told to work on a Machine learning project (which has been failing for 5 years and no one has experience to fix it) and recreate that from scratch and create and end to end CICD flow in 90 days by myself because no one else has ML knowledge in the company, and I donā€™t either btw. It was also an expectation that I work on their web ruby product like other team members as well while I learn and work on the ML project. Now its buring me out and my manager has been micromanaging me every fucking day since a week asking where I am with the project without looking at my PRs or documentation updates. I updated him on how to test it and if he can share any piece I might be missing, but he completly ignored that message. Now that I am done with the ML project and want to present it to the team I got a response from him saying, ā€œonce you are done we can schedule a presentationā€ and its pissing me off that he is not on the same page as me and doesnā€™t pay attention to what I am sending him. I didnā€™t know anything about ML so I dedicated time to learn it and implement it on time which no one in the company fucking did in 5 years. So now I am pissed on how to bring this micromanaging concern to him and to say that you didnā€™t do your job well and while I was you and you are not being any helpful either and just asking me questions which were answered well ahead of time. sorry for ranting but any thoughts on what I can do to feel angry at this new job and how to bring this up to my manager?

CrowdStrike 1idn38rn Nov 18, 2022

Tc and yoe?

Morningstar KKWW32 OP Nov 18, 2022

155K, 5 years

šŸŒ©ļøšŸŒØļøā˜”ļø Nov 18, 2022

quitting is your only option also learn the lesson. being tasked to work on a project that hasnā€™t worked for 5 years is a complete waste of time. never work on useless shit

Morningstar KKWW32 OP Nov 18, 2022

But I literally just joined 2.5 months ago and I donā€™t want them to think I was the issue. I met my deadline regardless of no documentation and help from you

šŸŒ©ļøšŸŒØļøā˜”ļø Nov 18, 2022

and yet they wonā€™t care

šŸŒ©ļøšŸŒØļøā˜”ļø Nov 18, 2022

hey if you donā€™t want to learn the lesson youā€™re not my child iā€™m not going to shove it down your throat. do whatever. the problem at hand about micro management however, i assure you cannot be fixed. quit asap

Capital One mrcar Nov 18, 2022

I am in the same boat and will try to switch to internal teams when I am eligible (2 months left). Leaving a micromanager is the only possible option. Just have to hang in there until there is an exit plan figured out.