Madhuban main Radhika - Sunny Leone

I am atheist, but try to be objective in life. Where to draw the line when objectification of other deities in other religions are unthinkable? It literally can have a life and death consequences. Time after time from Nude Saraswati to PK to Madhuban - seems people from only one religion has to be fine with the objectification of their sacred beliefs. How can this be equitable? Thoughts on Madhuban new version?

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Amazon berserk Dec 26, 2021

I get you. You can’t do shit with this poll. Go cleanse and heal your body and soul by watching the original :

Magic Leap tragicleap Dec 26, 2021

Folks back home just getting offended about the fact that someone from the “adult entertainment” is kinda portraying someone in Hindu mythology. Standard case of a clash between the Id and Superego.

Amazon bvbn17 OP Dec 26, 2021

3 things - dance moves, done by person with cultural appropriation, composers again are from different religion with apparently no understanding or appreciation of sentiments of the other religion ethos. Show me a parallel!! Then we can discuss.

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Amazon bvbn17 OP Dec 26, 2021

Probably correct step. I am pretty sure the composers does not have the courage to do something similar within their own religion boundaries. Why should it not be considered a deliberate act of instigating and then claiming intolerance.

Uber Pytagoras Dec 26, 2021

All big hypocrites.

eBay ktmChapri Dec 26, 2021

Some new cringey video is out?? Who watches it anyway??

Meta Fomosapien Dec 26, 2021

They got what they wanted, free advertisement via controversy. I’m an atheist as well, but this is a clear line of hypocrisy.

eBay ktmChapri Dec 26, 2021

Lol, I am not even gonna search it on YouTube and watch. If I do that it will ruin my YouTube recommendation profile which currently does not recommend this kind of cringey stuff.

Oracle WCjA62 Dec 26, 2021

I think the issue hasn't been that Hindu gods and goddesses are insulted but nobody dares here in India to insult any other religion. See the recent Golden temple incident apart from one or two independent journalists no libderal media house called it lynching all of them used the word sacrilege. Just now reverse the religions and you would find the word lynching everywhere. This is something I think Hindus in general are more frustated with and the ruling party as used it efficiently in its politics. If you are American or NRI kindly search for Sam Harris and Ben Affleck and Ben Affleck basically represents every intellect and liberal in India. It is very frustrating after one point...

Oracle ssltls Dec 26, 2021

Christian in USA and Muslims in Pakistan say the same thing about their dominant religion. That everyone attacks Christian or Islam. Have seen all different sides. Nothing new here. You guys are just mad because you are the majority and can’t take criticism. You think you are above others. Hypocrites.

Amazon bvbn17 OP Dec 26, 2021

Now your bias is completely clear ‘You guys are just mad because you are the majority and can’t take criticism. You think you are above others. ‘

Accenture FPBG88 Dec 26, 2021

I am an atheist as well. All religions are man made fairy tales no different than Harry Potter. Can one draw inspiration from the story to be a better human being? Yes but one doesnt need to follow a religion to be a good human. Free speech should be absolute like in the USA. Whats offensive to me might not be to you or vice versa. If you dont like it dont watch it or listen. This however, should apply to all religions or topics. What gets me mad is the hypocrisy where certain religions are on the table for mockery (Christianity, Judaism, sometimes Hinduism) rightfully so, but make a joke about Islam or draw a cartoon and cities burn. The “offender” is then censured from society for being Islamophobic. Remember Salman Rushdie

Amazon bvbn17 OP Dec 26, 2021

Agree mostly with you, but free speech in not absolute in US neither in the domain on science. I will just use the word politically correct speech, cancel culture and you might understand my point. Free speech is protected only when one is on the right side of the mainstream media bias.

Accenture FPBG88 Dec 26, 2021

Free speech is absolute in the USA. The gov cannot arrest you for saying something unless its a direct specific threat of harm to someone. You are however right that the woke mob will try to censure you in their own way.. get you fired, dox you, brand you a bigot etc.

Red Hat hikim Dec 26, 2021

Uncle please stop being so uncle