Daycare cost in Denver/Boulder?

What is the cost of infant daycare in the Denver/Boulder area? We have a 2 yo and just had twins and live in SF. The cost of daycare here is exorbitant so we are considering moving to a lower cost area. TC: $300k #parenting #Denver

cqatii Mar 15, 2021

Neighborhood of $15k/infant/year. If it's in-home, it's closer to $10k. Not sure if in-home is an option still during covid.

NBCUniversal eryfhjj Mar 15, 2021

How does a nanny survive on $15k/year working full time? That seems low.

cqatii Mar 15, 2021

That's daycare, not a nanny. i.e. the cost difference is for you to drop your kids off at a center vs someone's home, not for someone to come into your home.