Tech IndustryAug 15, 2022

New Relic Ignite Program

Hi! Has anyone interviewed and/or am going through the Ignite program at New Relic? I have a call with the recruiter later today. Would love to hear about your experience…the good, bad, all of it! Thanks! #newrelic

NewRelic MuUb33 Aug 24, 2022

I believe this is Sales for new grad. It’s tech sales job

Kaiser Permanente taylor0711 OP Aug 24, 2022

Hi! It’s actually for SWE too. I am currently interviewing. 😊Thanks!

Pinterest pingurl Aug 24, 2022

As someone who was one of the original recruiters for Ignite before I left NR I can tell you the SWE program is amazing and it’s run by John Hyland who is so invested in the careers of the participants. You can’t go wrong with the Ignite SWE program.

Kaiser Permanente taylor0711 OP Aug 24, 2022

Thanks! I’m really excited for this opportunity :)

Pinterest pingurl Aug 25, 2022

NP let me know if you have any questions. Happy to help. Not technical though so for that, you’re on your own. Sorry friend. Haha! :)

itachi6 Oct 5, 2022

@taylor0711 Thanks for sharing! Just found this program yesterday and was considering applying for it.