Tech IndustryDec 24, 2018

Fb vs Uber ATG vs Quip vs Google

Recently got entry level offers as software engineer from those companies. Not sure which one is better for career growth. Also, what’s the pros and cons working at those companies. Any suggestions, appreciate them.

217 Participants
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Facebook manlyman🍆 Dec 24, 2018

Quip? Have you used their product?

Facebook YellaHabib Dec 24, 2018

Lol at Quip

Amazon Melgizecci Dec 24, 2018

Quip is really good

Google ggnp04 OP Dec 24, 2018

Why is it good

Amazon Melgizecci Dec 24, 2018

I meant we use the product at our company and I like it better than Gdocs.

Pinterest Jon snow ❄ Dec 24, 2018

Uber AtG

Google ggnp04 OP Dec 24, 2018

Why? I appreciate your suggestions!

Pinterest Jon snow ❄ Dec 24, 2018

ATG seems different, impending ipo worth trying. You could grow faster within Uber compared to google/fb. At least the impression I get from the blind community

El.Chapo Dec 24, 2018

Make it a poll

Google ggnp04 OP Dec 24, 2018


El.Chapo Dec 24, 2018

Blind is biased towards Google because of it's reputation. I am pretty sure Google will get the highest votes. Anyways goodluck, you can't go wrong with whatever you choose.

Microsoft basil Dec 24, 2018


Facebook t(^_^t) Dec 24, 2018

No matter how bad FB's rep is, it'll still be a better place to work than Quip

Airbnb Red socks Dec 24, 2018

Uber ATG. Lot of reasons why, but this will open so many doors for you in the future. Feel free to dm.

Dropbox TensorfIow Dec 24, 2018


Uber bag Dec 24, 2018

Uber ATG - self driving is hot.