
Some roles open for 6+ months

Some bay area companies like Ample, Skydio to name a few have open roles for more than 6 months. What the f are they looking for? If they cant find people in bay area, they should seriously introspect

hello_flks OP Feb 17

I feel like many of the bay area companies are too poor to hire anyone and are on verge of shutting down

Apple GAwK63 Feb 17

Yeah it’s mostly because they don’t want to offer competitive salaries. They expect 15+ YoE and pay $200k

JGDP41 Feb 17

They’re looking for a unicorn candidate that will accept peanuts

hello_flks OP Feb 17

I wish the best of luck to these companies for fund raising... :p

PayPal startwreck Feb 17

Many if those are ghost roles .. they dont have any real hiring .. at least not actively hiring

Lyft FS Eng Feb 18

Most likely looking for a unicorn candidate but I doubt it is because they pay peanuts. I hear their expectations are high and would rather hire the right person than any person.

Skydio zzxxyyccbb Feb 19
