StartupsMay 14, 2021

Phreesia Senior Analyst

Had never heard of this company but just received a message from a recruiter on LinkedIn. Does anyone have any experience with them and is willing to share? I’m being recruited for a Senior Analyst role in Sales. #jobs #healthcare #startup #tech TC: 160 L3 Analyst @ Google

PwC littlebug_ May 14, 2021

Phreesia is is basically a user intake platform that’s hyper customized to healthcare use cases. In my company we have worked with them to implement automated patient intake pathways at large hospital systems. It’s kind of an interesting platform. Would give it a looksee if you’re interested in entering/continuing in the healthcare space

Google litty_ OP May 14, 2021

Thanks! Sounds like they are growing a lot

PwC littlebug_ May 14, 2021

Can’t speak on their growth but they certainly have an interesting premise. As a senior sales analyst you might have a good hand in shaping how they productize / implement which could be cool

Google eeFk52 May 15, 2021

They also reached out to me via email. L4 at Goog. I didn’t respond b/c I just accepted a manager role at a startup. Now I’m curious if you’re on my team at Goog :)

Google litty_ OP May 15, 2021

Lol that actually seems probable, I know L4s in my team that want to leave right now

Google litty_ OP May 15, 2021

Guess we’ll find out