Do you regret not sticking with one field ?

In the past 6 years I worked for broker/dealer, property management, healthcare and now financial company. I do enjoy working in finance, my team’s direct client is one of the largest US banks. I’m passionate about it but recently got a better offer in a different industry im not passionate about at all. My main issue is that I get no time to code in my role as a lead engineer but even if I could I HATE our codebase. It was written by people that were mediocre at node and react at best, it sucks, I hate working on it. I hate doing PRs all day. My goal is to be in an environment where I get to code at least 70% of the time and learn from others. I feel like in 1 year I spent here I didn’t learn ANYTHING useful except financial domain knowledge and how NOT to do things. Oh and also how to use a bunch of internal tools that no other company will probably give me credit for. I’m approaching 1 year at the company. I feel like my next employer will judge me for only sticking around for a year. Should I remain in the same field and just look for another company ? Or take the best offer I can get no matter the field ? Im interested in finance, automotive and real estate if anyone wants to refer YOE: 6 TC: 150k #engineering #software #swe

Amazon Sighhhh😞 Sep 27, 2023

Hello fellow 80HDer. :) I do have a lot I would have done differently and fields I would have skipped. but I always made the best decision I could with the info I had. So no real regrets.

S&P Global zhXM51 OP Sep 27, 2023

I should have def skipped healthcare. What about you ?

Amazon Sighhhh😞 Sep 27, 2023

Insurance - 60 hour weeks and they pay less than banking/tech