Pick my offer help!

Hello, narrowed it down to two offers over the past couple days with all your decision making! appreciate it all! background - Computer science student going into last year of school, so this internship matters the most :) I have a couple offers but narrowed it down to these two that I want you guys to vote on as these were the two most popular in last polls Data engineering one is remote Avant is hybrid both chicagoland area Same TC $33 HR INTERN Background - interned as a SWE, Data analyst, and TPM. I like all 3, Im not that great at coding though btw lol im okay (im good i just dont know how much i enjoy it) ‼️‼️‼️Please vote and give feedback which will set me up better for success! As idk if i want to do Product forever or DE forever too ‼️‼️‼️ #offer #eval #intern #salary #vote #swe #DE #PM #TPM#engineering #software #swe

12 Participants
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IDHD78 OP Apr 4, 2023

why do u think that

Travelers idontpay Apr 5, 2023

It's far less engaging imo. I don't think I'd want to do PO/PM .. maybe near retirement/when I really want to coast