
how do friends at lyft feel about stock?

Employees at Lyft that joined before IPO get taxed at 72 dollar per share, is that right? Thats the IPO price? So it means out of the 72 dollars, about 20 dollars are paid as taxes. So the return of Lyft stock is 21 - 20, which is 1 dollar per share. Is that right?

Apple pthread Mar 13, 2020


Uber jejuwhz OP Mar 13, 2020

U have no empathy

Adobe fngstained Mar 13, 2020

^ You're no "friend" of Lyft yourself, friend 😂

Lyft <~_~> Mar 13, 2020

Sorry misread. That is correct. The idiots who didn’t sell when they could only have themselves to blame.

Uber jejuwhz OP Mar 13, 2020

Yes. So that’s why I said for employees that joined before IPO. The vesting price is the IPO price for them.

Lyft <~_~> Mar 13, 2020

Yeah updated reply sorry

Amazon luhgyg Mar 13, 2020

Cash in the past is always more valuable than the current. So the return is negative?

Apple pthread Mar 13, 2020

Yeah but -2% is better than -95%

Lyft DVzv07 Mar 13, 2020

Was a millionaire for 4 hours(ipo day). Close to suicide on Thursday.

Lyft sickk Mar 13, 2020

I felt bad until I realized one of our execs went all in on more shares priced at $45 last open window.

Lyft la_croix Mar 14, 2020


Uber ZacLiu Mar 14, 2020

Who is the exec? I want to add him on LinkedIn

Lyft la_croix Mar 14, 2020

The stock is very low right now, but that’s true for the rest of the market as well. If I were to sell today, I’d make $1 of my pre-IPO stock after taxes, but I plan on holding, and truly believe it’ll get better.

Lyft Gkdsvrja2 Mar 15, 2020

@uber op, It’s the market downtime affected by international crisis, we’re all in this shit together where few dollars here and there won’t matter if everything doesn’t come up again. And if it doesn’t come up, you’re going down with us. Also, though your calculation is correct, nobody’s selling stock at $21 due to blackout trading period and as far as the stock is not traded, it doesn’t count as a loss. So technically you can laugh at this awful situation in which few Lyft employees are but it’s just as small as the return you have mentioned in your description #hopefully

Lyft corono Mar 15, 2020

The real bet is it to let it slide down to $8-12 so you can get some farm those losses to offset your massive gains from carefully timed puts. I’m sure everyone at the company had well timed puts, or else we’d all be screwed.

Uber ZacLiu Mar 15, 2020


Microsoft HINs46 Mar 15, 2020

They can carry that loss and never pay capital gain tax for the rest of life.

Uber ZacLiu Mar 16, 2020

Lyft stock price below Uber