Tech IndustryJan 25, 2022

How extensive are background checks?

I'm planning on getting a 2nd job apart from my main job. My plan is to keep my main job on my resume and act as if job 2 doesn't exist. But when the time comes to replace my main job how extensive would a background check go? I obviously won't let a new potential employer know that I was moonlighting but could a background check still pull up a 2nd job even though I won't report it and leave it off my resume?

FedEx highhitter Jan 25, 2022

Yes. It will show up on the report when they run the check.

tonytaco Jan 25, 2022

If he never lists the 2nd job on any credit applications, how would it show up?

S62288k Jan 25, 2022

How? It only checks what you submit in your BC

Meta Sksnxb Jan 25, 2022

Unless your second job pays you in literal cash...

Meta pulley Jan 25, 2022

Are you getting w2 from your other job? If yes then in theory it can pop up

Citibank yawn🥱 OP Jan 25, 2022

Looks like the contracting companies reaching out to me only do W2. I guess I could start looking for 1099 but not sure how that would make much of a difference since wages still have to be reported to the IRS

tonytaco Jan 25, 2022

Companies only get your tax returns if you give them your tax returns. Do any companies ask for tax returns?

Asurion chaata Jan 25, 2022

Background checks are a joke in US. Stop worrying.

Datadog MIpm05 Jan 25, 2022

Set up a LLC and do a C2C contract on your second job. It will never show up on your background check because you would be working under your own LLC, not under your SSN.

Citibank yawn🥱 OP Jan 25, 2022

Do a lot of companies even do this? I've seen contract postings where they say outright no C2C. I'm guessing it could cause tax implications for them?

Vanguard ObIe77 Jan 25, 2022

That’s what they say, but you can negotiate with many. If they find the right candidate, they will let you do C2C. Or just pick the company that will let you do C2C

Marathon Petroleum wUet62 Jan 25, 2022

Most background check companies only confirm what you put on the form that you send to them so if you don't put your second job they don't confirm it. If for some reason the background check does show your second job on your report you can always hand wave it away: "Must be a mistake" "Someone else with the same name as me" "Maybe I got my identity stolen haha..." "I was going to start there but they reneged my offer at the last second" "I interned there for a couple semesters in college and I guess they never took me out of their system" Chances are if it shows up they won't even ask you about it.