Tech IndustryAug 18, 2022

how to stop getting distracted on internet?

I end up...sometimes even without realizing, scrolling through LinkedIn, team blind, reddit, instagram....all those which are not even good for my mental health. My first thought is, I will put my phone away, but I need my phone as I need it to authenticate into work-related stuff when I log in. I also thought about putting my personal computer away, but I end up using my work computer (opening a private/incognito window) to log into those websites. I know it is NOT good but I can't seem to stop this...addiction? TC: 145K YOE: 1.5

Walmart fukthisbs Aug 18, 2022

Oh damn are you me? In same boat..mindless tiktok scrolling. Need help

Micron TechSuppor Aug 18, 2022

Why is it a bad thing to do this. Don't believe what people say or think!

Mercedes Benz TqInAdv Aug 18, 2022

We do it because the content is just a click away. Create roadblocks. - Signout of the apps: By doing this you are creating an additional step to access the content. - Delete the apps: By doing this you are making the not available at a finger tip. Of course you can download, sign-in and then consume the content if you need to. - Set time offs. Apple allows you to set time limits to social media. Phone turns off notifications after the set time limit and reminds you that you used the app for the set time limit when you try to access it again.

Meta f_ck Aug 18, 2022

because you have nothing to work towards

Microsoft iCap31 OP Aug 18, 2022

believe me, I do

Meta f_ck Aug 18, 2022

what is it

Walmart fukthisbs Aug 18, 2022

In order to encounter this, I turned off all notifications. Like every single one of them. I thought i had solved the problem Then my mind started to recall on what to check which is now even worse because am consciously checking ALL of them again. Just without notifs.