Should SpaceX be nationalized?

They are on the critical path of National Security projects, and are run by a migrant who is openly working with our enemies like Russia and China.

88 Participants
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Oracle hbvz6@ Mar 5

Are you an idiot?

SpaceX FxLp24 Mar 15


Apple Hypothetcl Mar 5

What a p us sy

CrowdStrike porpoise69 Mar 5

SpaceX will turn into a money burning machine if nationalized, and Elon or someone else will build a new rocket company.

SpaceX FxLp24 Mar 15

Everything after your funny username is comedy

CrowdStrike porpoise69 Mar 17

@spacex it's Sunday, get back to work

Flexport potatoggg Mar 5

I don't think we are to a point where this would be tenable. I think starlink could be nationalized given the shenanigans they've been putting

Cruise 14thAmSec3 OP Mar 5

Plenty of companies were nationalized during WW2. This is tenable if US military resources (including space based ones) are in threat.

Flexport potatoggg Mar 5

It will go to court and the scotus isn't going to allow it unless spacex were to refuse the government business while being threatened. Musk isn't a dumb person(maybe thats a hot take). That why the government has its own dedicated starlink service now, so that nationalization would not be tenable on that front.

sighhhh. Mar 5

you have no valuable company that is not ran/created by a migrant

Flexport potatoggg Mar 5

*Tim Apple has entered the chat*

Cruise 14thAmSec3 OP Mar 5

There are some good migrants, but the ones who betray our nation (like Musk) should have their security clearances revoked.

HPE Pnmi52 Mar 5

No, that’s retarded.

Western Digital CiscoTrash Mar 5

You know why Boeing is such a shit show right now right? If you nationalize SpaceX it will turn into a shit show like Boeing.

Credit Karma UepE53 Mar 5

No, competition should be encouraged.

SpaceX hdhshaj Mar 11

Should Cruise declare bankruptcy? Probably.

SpaceX FxLp24 Mar 15

clap emoji 100x

SpaceX BranniganZ Mar 16

OP you can’t take someone’s company just because you don’t like what they say.