Tech IndustryNov 4, 2021

Anyone with Ibotta in Denver?

What’s the culture like? Tech stack? Would you recommend the company to someone who is passively looking? Thanks! #ibotta

Ibotta hXVh41 Nov 14, 2021

I can’t speak for the tech stack on the platform side of things but on the mobile side, we are typically always trying to ensure we’re on the latest and greatest: kotlin/swift/etc. The culture is pretty interesting…we are constantly striving for diversity which is great. Pretty great benefits. The unfortunate part is that a lot of the management seems very top down. It’s all dictated from the CEO, who is perfectly okay with building something that gets the majority of people in the door (not a large majority) and then never iterating on it again. Very ADHD from that perspective. The product teams seem to always be walking a fine line and to get anything done you have to plow through layers and layers of bureaucratic nonsense. In addition to that, pay is pretty low and managers know it. They don’t seem to really have any changing of the guard from that perspective, and I remember my manager/VP of engineering even mentioning that the pay was “very good” (not even close to market) and that they’ll never be one of those companies paying highly. Take that for what you will. Otherwise…in the engineering side, WLB is as good as your boundaries to establish that. If you’re bad at it, people will take advantage surely, but it’s up to you and your team to make sure that’s being respected.

ByteDance KcEh01 Mar 22, 2023

Hey there @ibotta - if you’re still at the company, would you be open to making a referral? Lmk and I’ll shoot a dm. Thanks!