
Phychologist or psychiatrist

I suffer from adhd and anxiety. I’ve been seeing a psychiatrist with degrees from fancy schools for the past 3 years. I see her weekly for behavioral therapy and meds. While talking to her does comfort me, I don’t feel like I’ve made any long term behavioral improvements. She has tried to give me assignments like post day analysis, daily todo list, 3 things I’m happy about, abc worksheets, etc. but I never do any of them. Is this my fault or should I try to find a better provider? I’ve heard that when it comes to CBT, psychiatrists are not as well trained as clinical psychologists(phds). Psychiatrist are more for severe mental health issues like psychosis or schizophrenia. Is this true? Should I look for a new therapist?

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OfferUp Sncr03 Dec 9, 2021

I think it’s really common to have a psychologist for a therapist, and see a psychiatrist less regularly for medication management.

Google bcfyu OP Dec 9, 2021

Is this to reduce cost (psychiatrists are more expensive) or because the psychologist is a better therapist?

OfferUp Sncr03 Dec 9, 2021

I think sometimes both. I’m sure it’s possible the psychiatrist could be a great therapist, but sometimes when you have the option to write an rx, it can be easy to think mostly in terms of what the medication can fix.

Microsoft mUsf55 Dec 9, 2021

Fuck psychiatrists. Pill pushers

Google bcfyu OP Dec 9, 2021

Have you ever seen one?

American Express gNHK35 Dec 9, 2021

Is true some psychiatrists are only pill pushers and do not help people (specially in the US), but in the company of good therapy it can really help people a lot with their mental health.

American Express gNHK35 Dec 9, 2021

I had a friend that dealt with adhd and she saw both a psychiatrist and a psychologist. I think in the US is different but where I live patients dealing with anything mental health wise that requires medication are advised to visit both because meds alone without therapy are of not use and same with therapy: if you don’t take meds for a diagnosis that requires them then therapy alone would be of no use. My friend has pretty good results that way to deal with her adhd and I’ve known other people that have taken the same approach with good results.

Csdx58 Dec 9, 2021

Normal doctors can prescribe the meds, though. Especially if they know you're simultaneously doing counseling.

Google bcfyu OP Dec 10, 2021

Any idea about what kind of improvements your friend experienced?

Google fjeieoxnd Dec 11, 2021

I have seen a few from each and they have been all the same to me. I’d stick with the one who simply gets you and you have good communication with. Skill wise I never saw any difference (aside from prescribing meds).

Google nsnsya Dec 11, 2021

Should I stick with my current provider? She knows me pretty well now after 4 years, but I’m not seeing any improvements in myself

Google fjeieoxnd Dec 11, 2021

Probably? When I first started treatment many years ago I thought that I’d start to change and seeing myself improving but over time realized that it’s simply a space to let out what’s on my mind and heart not really something that will change my personality, so I lowered my expectations from what these sessions should do. I still find it useful but in the end I’m the same person with the same set of problems just nice to have someone to talk to about it in depth and occasionally get some advice.

Salesforce crunked Dec 12, 2021

been there. go to one psych for med mgmt and pick a good psychologist for CBT and they can meet for 45 mins.