PoliticsOct 7, 2019

trump supporting nfl

so nice to see trump campaign ads (already) on nfl games. good to know he has flip flopped on the whole kneeling for the flag business and is supoorting the nfl with ad revenue.

Adobe CmndrKeen Oct 7, 2019

Not really flip flopping when the NFL agreed to discipline players for kneeling and told them they could protest by staying in the locker room.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 Oct 7, 2019

So much for conservative belief in free speech.

Adobe CmndrKeen Oct 7, 2019

I think you are wrong. Conservatives still believe in free speech, what so many people keep forgetting is that the Constitution is a contract between us the people and the government. Not us the people and corporate America. The NFL is a corporation. Should Trump have gotten involved? Probably not. If I tried to make a political statement while on the job, unless my company already supported the position, I would also be told to keep it off company property.

Walmart QTFP86 Oct 7, 2019

How’s that flip flop?? Trump and patriotic audience is very clear about their opinions on kneeling crap.

FridayKing Oct 7, 2019

He’s a gross creep and will be happy when he’s out of office.

eBay spongerick Oct 7, 2019

Four more years!

Lyft Ishmael1 Oct 7, 2019

You mean the NFL flip-flopped and supports trumps America first. LOL Narrative fail, next