intuit mint using windows 7

It’s a little alarming to see in my bank account sign on history that Mint is accessing my account with windows 7! That OS is no longer supported and no longer gets security updates. Am I missing something here? Holy crap Intuit.

Intralinks TimNadela May 12, 2020

Huh? Mint uses Plaid to access bank information. Except for BofA where they call into BofA homegrown Sparta API. Source: I've been a Mint power user since 2014.

Guidewire 8753490 OP May 12, 2020

All I know is my sign on history shows windows 10 and Android for all my logins, and windows 7 for all mint logins Source: I’m sitting here looking at it

Dell xyzcyc May 12, 2020

Someone left an old user agent string in the http request library. Its not a reliable indicator of the actual client os

Guidewire 8753490 OP May 12, 2020

Cool thanks!

Intuit jcarr May 15, 2020

Yeah, one of the two free lists for user agent data went proprietary and some libraries which relied on it have decayed