Google v Meta v Stripe

Finished a long haul of interviews. Ended up with these offers. Which one would you take and based on which factors? Also open to any questions about my prep, negotiations, etc. Job market def ain’t what it used to be so I’m here to help if possible. YOE 5 TC 0 (funemployed) #engineering #software #swe #interviews

391 Participants
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TC: -
Software Engineer
TC: $318K
Software Engineer
TC: $304K
Software Engineer
TC: $250K
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inc-ce Apr 10

I believe all Google offers are now front loaded.

Google kubachi OP Apr 10

Added YOE (5) Google is frontloaded 38/32/20/10

Google TdAB48 Apr 10

That is a damn good L4 offer. But are you currently working at Google? Why are there two options for G, one with 0 TC and other with 317?

HPE rtKkyuh Apr 10

Laid off and then a new offer again

Google kubachi OP Apr 10

Am a Xoogler. Left for a startup, didn't work out, been chilling recently.

State Farm bean0 Apr 10


Google kubachi OP Apr 10


Amazon nooooop Apr 10

Have upcoming phone screens with both Google (L4) and Meta (E5), any advice to share?

Google kubachi OP Apr 10

Honestly, pay leetcode their 40 bucks a month and do the top 100 questions for both companies. 5/6 of my meta questions were covered in their top 70, and the 6th was trivial. There’s no better return on your investment for coding question prep

Amazon onsite1 Apr 13

@kubachi how is premium helpful if google doesn't repeat question?

Nice offers OP! How did you prep for google and meta?

Google kubachi OP Apr 10

Google - skipped straight to team matching since I was a xoogler. Beware, team matching for Google rn is insanely competitive. Meta - for coding do top 100 meta questions. High likelihood they’ll be taken from there. For sys design I used the two Alex xu books and DDIA.

Thank you!

Intel qiJN57 Apr 10

have you already negotiated? I feel like you should be able to get meta up somewhat

Google kubachi OP Apr 10

This was after negotiations. Meta didn’t match Google which I found interesting. Recruiter said I would need “more data” to get a stronger offer, no indication if it was the best they could do or not

Intel qiJN57 Apr 10

thanks for the insight king. good luck OP, I think the recruiters are really playing hardball. Curious if this blog matched your experiences

Meta jbjj61 Apr 10

200k for google L4 base? that's the first time I'm hearing this. Dang... For Meta, i think you could negotiate for 400k rsu and higher sign-on bonus. I forgot what was the base refresher for Google for L4. It's been a while. Was it around 80k range if you meet all the expectations? For meta, it's 88k for L4.

Google kubachi OP Apr 10

Target was 75k for L4 at G IIRC, though Ive also heard its modeled as 90k now.

Google balnt Apr 10

90k for premium plus with SI yeah

ex-Microsoft anomy12345 Apr 10

How was your rating when you left Google ?

Google kubachi OP Apr 10

CME/SI. Nothing crazy

InMobi meteor007 Apr 10

Pretty sure Stripe would have 10% bonus on top.

Google kubachi OP Apr 10

That is true, forgot to add. Can't edit offers unfortunately

Microsoft WHye63 Apr 10

Where for L4? I am trying to TM for L4 SWE for 2y already and cannot :(

Google kubachi OP Apr 12
