Anyone know what’s going on at Strava?

Apparently for devs making apps using the Strava API, they are no longer giving rate limit increases. Why is this weird? Because they have been ignoring dev requests for rate limit increases for over the last year, but still claim you can get a rate limit increase in their documentation. When I requested one because my app has grown past the current limit, they just gave me an automated response saying they won’t do it. Is this weird or do most companies that allow devs to use their API not care about the devs? Yoe: 1.5 TC: 95k #strava

jabznia Dec 30, 2021

That's bizarre. Hope they fix it. I like Strava.

TDS YhNa50 OP Dec 30, 2021

Yeah. I spent so much time building this app with the thought that I could scale it easily with Strava but now it feels like all summer was for nothing. If they would have just stated that they don’t want to focus on their api or give increases this could have been solved without hardship. Hopefully they make this clear soon so it doesn’t waste more dev’s time.

jabznia Dec 30, 2021

Oof sorry to hear that, that's a bummer. Do they have any developer relations contacts you could try? Or even tweeting at them?

NVIDIA avstar Dec 30, 2021

Seeing TC on these kind of posts is funny! Fear of TC or GTFO is big!!

Fintech Company kj6dfT Dec 30, 2021

It's the one rule on Blind

TDS YhNa50 OP Dec 30, 2021

If you are questioning why I’m posting TC on this you clearly have not made a post without stating TC and read the comments 😂 I’ve gotten destroyed once or twice haha