
USAA - kindly help with referral

Can I dm anyone for a position ? It’s a perfect match at USAA Data engineer. It would be a great help. @usaa #usaa #data engineer

USAA diligas Apr 30

Usaa is where your career goes to die

EY ffAU32 OP Apr 30

Compared to cognizant ?

Financial Services Company fpqo21 Apr 30

Care to elaborate on why it does at USAA?

EY ffAU32 OP Apr 30

Anything better than cognizant. Here no leadership, poor working conditions. Erratic hours. Peanuts raise no bonus, even last year. This position at USAA seemed to match my profile.

USAA xobni123 5d

yes dm me

EY ffAU32 OP 5d

Please check dm, thank you so much.

EY ffAU32 OP 4d

Hello just wanted to check if you received my dm previously?