
How different is Veeva's business from IQVIA ?

I am learning about Veeva & IQVIA for a potential investment in Veeva (if markets bring it down to reasonable levels) Can someone explain the differences between Veeva's and IQVIA's services/product @VEEVA @IQVIA #veeva #iqvia #investing

Workrise ayyy_lmao Jun 2, 2022

Think of Veeva as a CRM for pharma. Iqvia does a lot, but think of them more as a pharma services/data/consulting outfit. I think they once tried to build out a veeva competitor, but don’t know if that went anywhere

Intel finfree OP Jun 2, 2022

Thanks for your comment. Makes a lot of sense. I guess there is also some overlap between their data & data analytics business.

Publicis Sapient dset93 Jun 14, 2022

Iqvia has a product similar to Veeva which is known as 'OCE'. it also has a huge pharma database, not sure if Veeva has any.

Microsoft KIfH18 Jun 18, 2022

Do IQVIA’s CRO customer worry putting their stuff on OCE just like retailers won’t put their stuff on AWS?

Veeva JKyo55 Jun 25, 2022

IQVIA is a data company, trying and continuously failing to build successful and valuable software products. Completely siloed systems and software grown through acquisitions rather than organic product development. Continuously stitching acquired products together and rebranding them as some new software buzz word every few years. Veeva is a software company, trying and failing to build successful and valuable data products by relying on software peeps to lead them. But their software products are integrated and scalable. Both will get lapped by the next disruption coming in CRM. Oracle ->Siebel ->Salesforce -> ???