Misc.Oct 28, 2021

Nike PM director offer

Got an offer from Nike for director….after quite a bit of negotiation I was able to get them up to Base: 240k Bonus: 25% Initial stock 600k /3 yr Sign on : 50k So 500k + sign on I currently am fairly happy making 400+ after a recent promotion and also waiting on another offer. This seems like a good offer but not sure how others feel about making a move like this to a non tech company. Anyone have similar faang to non tech company experience? TC: 415k, 19 YoE, 7+ as PM

Google kfjfn Oct 28, 2021

I like Nike but wouldn’t move unless it was substantial. Goog refreshers and such are good and google will not have layoffs or anything anytime soon. Nike depends on retail for the most part Also how do benefits stack up?

Microsoft IMOHFTC Oct 28, 2021

I agree. What will you be working on? What will you be learning that's new?

Google l1vinlargr OP Oct 28, 2021

It’s not super clear yet, In a broad sense it does feel like I’d be able to implement a lot more strategy around technology since they don’t have a lot of decisions made today …still need to have the post offer hiring manager / skip discussions around more details now

Microsoft IMOHFTC Oct 28, 2021

Where do you currently live? I know they require relocation. Beaverton is family suburbs

Google l1vinlargr OP Oct 28, 2021

I live far northeast of seattle by mountains on a farm…yeah seems like eventually they want me to move our travel regularly which neither is too much of an issue

Salesforce ziggywiggi Oct 28, 2021

Nice offer, congrats. Evaluate if transition back into tech will be challenging? Is this software eng or pm? You could get similar offer from a tech company IMO.

Google l1vinlargr OP Oct 28, 2021

Honestly none of the other big faangs interest me….would consider other large post ipo companies …got any good ones hiring to refer me into?

Amazon JefBezo Oct 28, 2021

Won't Google match?

Google kfjfn Oct 28, 2021

Read above, it’s not about matching. More about scope

Google l1vinlargr OP Oct 28, 2021

Haven’t mentioned to manager yet and won’t likely til close to new year…got a lot of stock and bonus and given time of year don’t wanna start and take a bunch of vacation…have maxed out on days here. If they offer a big retention I’ll consider …I’m in a funny spot in my area where a lot of my management chain has left and not sure if it’s an opportunity or a crisis yet

Capital One iyuhsyc Nov 1, 2021

Congrats on your offer!! Nike doesn’t have good work culture honestly. They idolize long working hours and also lots of legacy tools still being used

Nike kFJK22 Nov 2, 2021

This is 100% correct. Nike PM. Also, Nike does not have any kind of digital culture. I have had to explain product management at least once a week since starting there. There’s also absolutely no strategy…all the time. It’s not as if there isn’t a strategy bc no one has figured it out but rather the company is tech illiterate and doesn’t have the right folks to sign off on this

Nike yguu70 Jan 7, 2022

Lol, Nike DOES not have long working hours. Tech isn’t the core of the business so it’s a good work life balance job

Nike TUtS76 Nov 6, 2021

That’s a very solid Nike offer. At a 25% bonus is this s-band / Sr.Director? Director E-band is 20%. Initial stock offer is very high. Nike is very stingy with stock. Only E-band plus get stock. Nike has a ton of challenges right now.. especially in tech. We’ve been going through a rolling reorg+layoffs for the past 18months and it’s been the worst handled cluster I’ve ever seen in my career. Trust and morale are very low right now. Some of the worst leadership I’ve ever seen. Attrition has gone parabolic. I would be very careful about making the move. Nike has limited themselves to just making apparel and footwear. A very narrow minded approach especially compared to Google’s potential long term. IMHO Nike is just riding the wave of stimulus spending / brand appeal and is running out of time. TLDR: Ask yourself what you would really hope to get out of an opportunity at Nike. Do your own research on Nike and come to your own conclusion.

Google tinglef33l Nov 6, 2021

I appreciate that insight…yeah it’s sr director after checking with recruiter not sure on band. That sounds like a shit show for sure. I was hoping to get some ability to shape strategic direction of a non tech company and additional leadership experience…I figured 3 years but maybe it’s not even worth it. Luckily I have a pretty good offer from an ai company that I’m trying to get to come closer to Nikes offer so I can feel comfortable not leaving too much on the table

Nike TUtS76 Nov 6, 2021

Sounds like a great plan. AI has a much longer runway than Nike. To make that kind of impact at Nike you would have to come in as a VP. Even then it would be an uphill battle (we have hundreds of VPs). Best of luck in your search

Google $¢0p€¢R33p Nov 9, 2021

I left Nike recently and joined Google as a Program Manager. Despite the large learning curve on internal tools, documentation and data scattered in hundreds of rabbit holes, I feel more valued, have a great manager/team, and the culture is a 180 from Nike. The learning resources are amazing. The pay is better, stock , refreshers, benefits, etc. I am supposed to relocate to CA, but my manager is being very flexible. I grew my career at Nike, led a wide variety of programs across Global Tech, met some very talented and "do the right thing" people. Some became close friends. I'm thankful for opportunities I had there, but didn't come out of the berm unscathed. However, as said already, now's not the best time to join. The culture is very political and toxic, talented people are overlooked. Winter is coming and Hunger Games are in season. The wokeness is nauseating, but they have to dodge legal dumpster fires and the marketing propaganda to attract talent, which they pay better. There was no investment in current talent and pay was below market - even for Portland metro. But the Swoosh has brand power Executive leadership is killing the soul of the brand. You can feel the fakeness at every all hands. Some of the leadership decisions are the worst I've seen and many talented people have left for much better roles and pay. The attrition rates are astounding. Everyone in global tech is either demoted, promoted, re-titled - some in totally different roles. Now everyone is just getting the news of the flying formation and learning how they are supposed to work together. It will be at least 2 years before it gets better. You could try to use the chaos to your advantage. I waited until they told me my role/reorg status. Then I resigned the next day. I was already working for Google. Only then did they ask what it would take to keep me. I would say try for the AI company, keep Nike warm until then. Nike is not a tech company. But, that could also be to your advantage to make an impact. Good luck and may the odds be in your favor.

Capital One iyuhsyc Nov 10, 2021

Nike, they did not let me create a blind account. I am still using my old blind account. Ever since I joined I am only hearing people complaint about each other behind their backs. Everyone loves to boast about how they work long hours. Most of the employees in tech are from a certain country and of a certain gender, and also they are all converted after working for years in the consulting companies like wipro and infosys. It looks like they are living in a small world of their own. I have seen people working really crazy long hours and I have told them multiple times not to do it still they do it. There is no single source of truth for data management. Things are in AWS but they have so many things in legacy tools. It’s so hard to learn all these legacy tools, because one it’s not open source sp forget learning them or debugging them on google or stack overflow. Having a dependency on other team means wait for two to three weeks to just get a simple approval or to get them to add a small object in their Database which is another stupid legacy software. Things break every now and then and to deploy a simple code piece we have to wait 2 hours. Ok,after doing all this, it’s entirely up to leadership if they want to treat you nice. They can talk however they want to talk. Looks like there is no leadership training given to them. My teammates are scared to talk to their leaders. And also it’s very common to see people online after office hours 😂 I feel pity for them. Also I do not respect a leader who likes to work long hours. My boss said to me multiple times proudly that he works from 6 am to 8 pm every day and his family members call him guest appearance. And also his wife brings him food that he forgets to eat!!! He also told me that other departments also have long hours. Probably I was unlucky to land in a crappy team and I did not get to interact with other people. The influx of work is so pitiful I want to vomit. No one explains what is the outcome. What are we doing, why are we doing it. They expect new joiners to understand everything magically, it’s hilarious. No training, no documentation of these crappy tools. They take ages to hire replacements of critical roles like product managers and team leads. Follow up as much as you want, things will take their own sweet time. It’s a weird and confusing mix of laid back and “aggressive” work culture. Of course like any other place there are talented people who will be a delight to work with. But they are a tiny bunch unfortunately. Had no intentions to leave when I joined, but I am leaving, can’t take it anymore. I got another job with better salary and equity and no legacy bs. When I told my boss, who has been here for ages, he told me that they invested “hundreds of thousands” on me and now all that is going to waste. He was really rude. But I kind of expected a similar response knowing him.

Kohl’s not@kohls Nov 12, 2021

sounds a lot like what kohls used to be.

Google tinglef33l Nov 10, 2021

This is pretty jarring, never seen a company bashed on here so hard…doesn’t take a genius to figure out this offer probably isn’t worth it…

Nike imLe Nov 24, 2021

If you want to retire happily with 0 ambitions, welcome to Nike.