
fidelity SDE background check

Fidelity messaged me this morning and said: "Can you please provide the following information required to complete your background investigation with Fidelity Investments? Please provide any details and documents regarding your reason for leaving Amazon." I essentially got PIPED and took the severance instead of fighting it, but don't know what to say, also don't have access to the severance documents anymore I didn't save them :/ #fidelity#amazon#backgroundcheck #tech

Dataminr ljkups May 1

Can’t you say like project ended or for better opportunities or for better wlb?

Fidelity Investments qxczhdlf May 1

You should be able to ask the HR at Amazon for it

Fidelity Investments bukaBediya 6d

Being honest would be better or best confirm with Amazon HR and whatever they'd say about it