Tech IndustryJan 3, 2021

McKinsey versus Amazon Product Manager L6 post MBA offers

Would love to get advice on deciding between post MBA offers from McKinsey and Amazon product manager L6. Have a non tech background pre MBA and want to work in the tech industry long term. Also hope to be in general management/ P&L/business ownership roles long term. Wondering how much Mckinsey learnings + network + brand helps with building a career in the tech industry. Also would be helpful to get perspective on the Amazon product experience and career path in terms of exits and opportunities?

Facebook jonwick072 Jan 3, 2021

What are the offers

BCG buxB46 OP Jan 3, 2021

McKinsey generalist associate and amazon product manager

Amazon Fintechyyy Jan 3, 2021

TC offers or GTFO

BCG buxB46 OP Jan 4, 2021

Amazon: ~190, McKinsey ~210

Goldman Sachs No-koolaid Jan 3, 2021

Obviously, if you want to be in tech long term, Amazon PM > McK. Much better if you already have MBB experience like in your case.

Google khfdvb Jan 3, 2021

Work for McKinsey experience is really valuable

BCG buxB46 OP Jan 4, 2021

What is your role currently at google ? Have you been on the McKinsey side?

Microsoft motivated! Jan 3, 2021

TC breakdowns?

Amazon ursa major Jan 3, 2021

Amazon! Dont do consulting if you want to be in tech long term.

Chewy nt_a_gst Jan 3, 2021

Don't do consulting, it's in decline in general, and firms like McKinsey and BCG are struggling to adapt and grow.

BCG buxB46 OP Jan 4, 2021

What’s your current role at Chewy? Why would you say that - I believe there are a lot of ex MBB senior people at Chewy and consulting remains a top choice across business schools.

Uber pandafire Jan 4, 2021

Mbb and ibd is so last decade. Tech is where the money and talent is right now

BCG buxB46 OP Jan 4, 2021

Isn’t a lot of management at Uber full of ex MBB people? I thought MBB to Uber exit after 2-3 year can be really good!

Uber pandafire Jan 4, 2021

hey there I believe it used to be the case for uber strategy & ops (non tech roles). It gave consultants a good entry point to "break" into Tech for those interested. Not sure about now though given covid + ride hailing challenges!

Apple Your Mom Jan 5, 2021

I had a lot of friends go into MBB who told me they were so interest in "doing tech" for all 2 years of bschool. But they took the easy, well paved route of consulting because they think it's got so much prestige. Now they are sleep deprived zombies trying desperately to pivot to tech (ideally for PM, but only getting ops/strat roles with much less TC). Meanwhile, the slight difference is initial TC got totally washed away since tech stonks all have basically doubled in just 1 year. Do yourself a favor and go with Amazon. Get 1-2 years of experience, then pivot to another FAANG as L5/ICT4 to get 300k+ TC

Amazon Fintechyyy Jan 7, 2021

Do exactly what this ^ person said

Dell POV Jan 12, 2021

+1 to this!

Apple rcFW68 Jan 13, 2021

Location of both offers?