WFH & RTODec 20, 2022

Is The Trade Desk remote?

Getting referred through the system but not sure if I can go through if there's a big office culture, unfortunately my personal circumstances make my location limited to my mcol city. The application doesn't seem to explicitly state that you need to be in the office. TC: 85k #wfh #remotework

Nurgl Dec 20, 2022

Hey man do you have contacts at TTD? I’m also trying to get a job there and I applied via referral but no response yet

Johnson & Johnson hawhawhaw OP Dec 20, 2022

Yes but I don't think my referral will help any more than yours brudda- just wait it out

Nurgl Dec 20, 2022

Thanks. May I ask when did u apply and when did u hear back from a recruiter or a hiring manager?

Google ecliptic Dec 20, 2022

I recently went through a few rounds of interviews with them. They are hybrid with mandatory office days. Currently only Thursday required but will soon go back to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I stopped after first round because that was not appealing to me.

Johnson & Johnson hawhawhaw OP Dec 20, 2022

Damn, hate to see it. But appreciate the quick response- thanks for letting me know.

The Trade Desk DrNobodie Dec 20, 2022

Good move, they will likely move to 4-5 I need to get out of here.

The Trade Desk IoTw34 Dec 20, 2022

Currently only Tuesday is required for tech team. Changing to Tue Wed Thu in mid Jan. Probably just a matter of time till 5 days in office. Although, if you can get a remote offer, that would exempt you from coming to office, pretty much for good.

Johnson & Johnson hawhawhaw OP Dec 20, 2022

Just wary of joining an office centric team as a remote employee- would seem to be a dead-end career move and would put one at great risk during a recession

The Trade Desk HlYi2s Dec 20, 2022

Many teams are already split between multiple locations so you end up zooming from your desk anyways. Not super common but if you push they’ll conditionally approve remote for senior and up. Basically highly skilled folks we don’t want to miss out on.

The Trade Desk HlYi2s Dec 20, 2022

We’re still giving a small amount of remote offers but clarify to be sure.

Nurgl Dec 20, 2022

Hi I applied for a position 2 weeks ago with a referral, still haven’t heard back from anyone. Do you think I’m still being considered?

The Trade Desk HlYi2s Dec 20, 2022

It’s December, most people are on PTO or in may have slowed down hiring until ‘23 so I wouldn’t read into it too much.

The Trade Desk jgmn81 Dec 20, 2022

It’s not a big office culture - as someone already said most product/eng teams are not colocated so you end up being on zoom a lot anyways. There aren’t hallways conversations where decisions get made like at other big tech companies.

Nurgl Dec 20, 2022

How do you like the company? Any thoughts on the WLB, work and compensation?

The Trade Desk jgmn81 Dec 20, 2022

I’ve been at TTD a few years and have overall been very happy with my time here. I’m able to talk to, and at times when I need to, argue with, my leadership change and see real change. No company is perfect but I’ve felt the most runway to grow my career here as compared to any other company I’ve been at (and I’ve been in the industry about 17 years now).