Tech IndustryJan 22, 2023

Will ex-FAANGers flock to Apple now?


149 Participants
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Google oXKP41 Jan 22, 2023

What are the better options?

Amazon jandyassy Jan 22, 2023

Start your own company

Apple CfEc78 Jan 22, 2023

Yes because VC money is so cheap and easy to come around right now.

Meta vte Jan 22, 2023

One thing that might prevent people switching over is Apple is one of the companies that almost always has a language requirement for open roles unlike most other FAANG openings, so that limits the teams one could apply to

Google freebe Jan 23, 2023

Language requirements? You mean java/c++/etc?

Meta vte Jan 23, 2023

@freebe I mean typically a role will list language experience in one language. Like a lot of Apple infra teams will require you to have prior experience in Java

Google metamate09 Jan 23, 2023

What better options?