
I just bought

How much you think it’ll be valued at? I don’t plan on selling it I actually have an idea for it - it involved implementing #blockchain in the music industry - but take a guess and let’s see what #godaddy says #investments #domaintools #website #url #domain

15 Participants
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Meta richаrdhea Apr 25

You really need to rethink those poll options. 🤦‍♂️

Intel not it Apr 25

Less than and greater than are hard... Just remember the alligator 🐊 technique. The alligator wants to eat the bigger number. 🤣

Citadel Securities H7djK51 Apr 25

OPs plans are going to go really well.

Microsoft MIDZY Apr 25

new = sub 90 iq + block

percytower OP Apr 25

Well aren’t you a judgmental blockhead 😂 might as well knock the douche-nozzles out early.

Amazon tiredGIF Apr 25

Bro the music industry is dead due to some nerds creating

percytower OP Apr 25

I hear that a lot. And it’s false. You can’t recreate Billy Joel banging the keys and singing his heart out about a girl he loves. You can’t replace the feeling you get from a live performance.

percytower OP Apr 25

However, if your theory were to be realized. This would be an even more valuable domain .