Meta e5 hiring headcount

Just notified I passed the technical screening for e5 for infrastructure(I think that is just the general backend role) for NYC. Have not set up a onsite just yet but am a bit curious what the actual status of the backlog of hiring I have been hearing. Is it more effecting team matching and I should assume if I do make it pass onsite that there may be a decent wait(up to a chance of being differed)? #meta #metanyc #metae5

ex-LinkedIn HahaMe1 May 1

Good luck πŸ€

Robinhood Grwn11 May 1


Amazon namesnake May 4

apparently theres 800 people in the backlog across all levels

Bloomberg kXz97 May 7

6 weeks in TM for NYC, good luck πŸ˜‰