HousingNov 18, 2018
Amazon n0v Nov 18, 2018

Housing prices are still up yoy and volume/sales reduction is a bit worse than normal seasonality. The real test will be next spring.

Microsoft Gambini Nov 18, 2018

According to the article: “Year-over-year, the median listing price remains up 3.9%.”

Citibank Slurpsurp OP Nov 18, 2018

That’s asking price. The prices they’re selling for dropped. The data only goes through August According to the article. “The impact on selling prices – the prices at which properties are actually sold – is already visible, even in the Case-Shiller Home Price Index which lags about three months by design (the data released at the end of October was a rolling three-month average for June, July, and August). After spiking for months into June, prices turned around and dropped 2% in July and August, the sharpest two-month drop since Housing Bust 1”

Airbnb Dancanito Nov 18, 2018

This is the “bubble pop”

Citibank Slurpsurp OP Nov 18, 2018

Mirror image of bubble 1 only larger.

Amazon n0v Nov 18, 2018

Except there aren't subprime loans, lending standards are up, mortgage payment terms are reasonable and the economy is doing well. Don't get me wrong, with interest rates going up, we'll likely see some price correction. But we won't see a 2009 style crash.

Microsoft gfba68 Nov 18, 2018

Oh look, another opinion from a nobody whose opinion is worth less than my plumber's. Yawn.

Citibank Slurpsurp OP Nov 18, 2018

You’re providing a worthless opinion by not providing counterpoints and facts. Your plumber knows more about what’s happening in the market than you’ll ever know. Arrogant pricks like you lose money to informed pricks like me all the time. Darwinism in full effect.

Microsoft gfba68 Nov 18, 2018

Do you think repeating random statistics you don't understand counts as evidence? You Do? Well that explains it. Meanwhile, I'll continue getting filthy rich by ACTUALLY knowing how the economy works.

Amazon 🎃 🎃 🎃 1 Nov 18, 2018

Prices don’t go only go up. Question is, bubble burst or soft landing?

Amazon jEEg41 Nov 18, 2018

Chickens are coming home to roost

Microsoft lnvfychu Nov 19, 2018

We're not going to be ready to buy until 2020 regardless of the market. 1.3m is my max budget although income can support more, don't like going that high. Whatever happens in the market between now and then we'll just have to deal. Would prefer new/newer house but also don't like tiny lots...

Walmart.com Cubic Nov 21, 2018

To get the lot built builders have to go through a lot of permits inWA. The reason why it looks slowing down is due to too many new homes(they were all started to build last year when it was crazy). Wait a few month and see. Also builders are more favored of apt than single families in Sea