
NIT student, absolutely frustrated and hopeless with the current job market

I'm a student from the National Institute of Technology, one of India's premier institutes, and have worked really hard on my competitive coding and development skills, have proper projects, have exposure to Blockchain, have course certificates, more than everything you could imagine from an undergraduate, and I'm simply not even getting an interview calls. Just getting frustrated and hopeless, Even I'm not seeing any internship openings in most companies, can anybody guide me please?What ti do? Which company should I apply to? #engineering #software #swe #swe #engineering #software #referral #hiring #jobhunt #microsoft #slack #paypal #facebook #twitter #dropbox #amazon #atlassian #brex #google #instacart #square #twilio #faang #datadog #snowflake #rubrik #bloomberg #stripe #snap #lyft #uber #spotify #apple #robinhood #yelp #vmware #google

Salesforce dfvsfdc Jun 14, 2023

No one cares about your school and that applies worldwide. I can go to top school in China but outside of China no one would care or even know what it is. Even if they do they might prefer small state school with similar culture

popcrnGuy OP Jun 14, 2023

What should I do then? To stand out from others?

Salesforce dfvsfdc Jun 14, 2023

Tbh idk. I’m a citizen and I can hardly find opportunities that i would take on.

Microsoft smd pm Jun 15, 2023

Why do you mention your institute? How is that relevant to the question anyway? Is getting into this institute all you've achieved in life? Regardless, my friends had similar problems. It's a numbers game, apply everywhere. Getting into known companies is good but if you're not getting a response it's better to introspect. Focus on the phase where you're getting rejected and that should be all.

Palo Alto Networks Pablo~Alto Jun 19, 2023

Nobody gives a shit about stanford and berkley. And here you thinking about studying NIT make you stand out ? That’s all BS we went through for fake social status. It doesn’t take you anywhere. You are similar to like people studied in no name school. Btw, I’m from IIT. Faced the same issues. Never mention your school again. Nobody gives a shit.

EtVt33 Jun 27, 2023
