IPOApr 15, 2021


What’s up with the delay with our IPO? I thought it was April 9th. Did something happen? #SoFi #IPOE #ipo #fintech

Snap red snappr Apr 15, 2021

You tell us

SoFi hottomato OP Apr 15, 2021

I wish I knew, execs are very hush hush

Cisco Relax2020 Apr 15, 2021

Damn...IPOF is underwater already

Postscript ted lasso Apr 15, 2021

Wow, it makes me very sad to think there’s a pre-IPO company out there not communicating these things with their team.

SoFi Up&In Apr 27, 2021

TBH this poster isn't paying attention. Executives have been very clear about what is going on at company and department all-hands.

SoFi hottomato OP Apr 15, 2021

Maybe I need to go back and watch the past 2 all hands. Anyone from SoFi remember which week he mentioned this? I still don’t understand why it’s longer now. I thought we filed our S4 back in January.

SoFi nwOY38 Apr 18, 2021

He literally talks about it in every all hands, yes go watch them.

Microsoft SystDesign Apr 15, 2021

is it the same that Chamat's spac is invested in ? IPOE

Facebook hgyobekd Apr 15, 2021

Chamath is in his bed thinking how to manipulate the market.