
The freaking huge gaps!

I know this has been a since-forever thing but why do office/public restrooms stalls have to have that ridiculously huge door gap thru which anyone can see you doing your thing? I didn't experience that in Europe, I think particularly the ones in Germany are truly private.

Uber organizado May 5

So Andy knows if you’re spending too much time in the shitter

Ibotta 🐗ElonTusk May 5

I don’t get it. I hate it. It’s one of those things that doesn’t need to be the way it is without drastic changes.

Meta chat2 May 5


Axway t800_ May 5

Cause drugs and insurance. That's what I heard . in Europe that would be non compliant to have it like that.

PayPal bliUgT May 5

More likely it’s because it’s cheaper

^_^ May 5

get over it. i prop the door open

PayPal bliUgT May 5

Do you get people’s attention as they walk by too? See your manager walking by and tell him you’re the captain now?

ex-Rakuten tooQ10 May 6

Calm down LBJ

Indeed LT83oa May 5

In the workplace? So your boss can see who is sitting on the shitter for 45 mins at a time and whip his personal slaves back into shape In public places like bars and stuff? So people can't do nose drugs primarily. Half the bars in this country have no bathroom stall doors at all lol

DocuSign prodLaunch May 5

And what they will get by looking at ? 💩 No one is interested in looking 🍌

Samsara turdyefje May 5

No idea, but just don’t look