Does height matter for women in career progression?

I see a lot of women VPs and SVPs who are taller than the global average (5'7"+) and also quite athletic. Does height help women the way it supposedly helps men (most CEOs are tall and most CEOs are also men) ?

47 Participants
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VMware avgdawg79 Jun 9, 2022


Adobe bl1nd11 Jun 9, 2022

Causal != Correlation

Salesforce dzuk15 Jun 9, 2022

Where there is smoke there is fire. Psych studies consistently show that people rate tall people as more competent and effective leaders based on zero evidence.

Amazon pqrstz Jun 9, 2022

It just happens that most VPs and CEOs are white, and white people (women and men) are taller than other races.

henavab Jun 10, 2022

Yeah that’s good point , how about Indian CEOS ? Does their height also show the same trend ? Also what about short white people

Google bebopss Jun 9, 2022

Height makes people confident when they are kids. When kids grow up being confident all the time, they take bigger risks in life. Bigger risks leads to bigger rewards.

henavab Jun 10, 2022

Yes no one wants to take orders from a short screeching woman