How is One Medical?

Interviewing for a manager role. How's the culture? What's compensation package look like? How is it since Amazon purchased?

Express Scripts roqf56 OP Feb 4

Any help is greatly appreciated. Interviewing with the hiring manager in the next couple days

One Medical OdNc64 Feb 4

Company good Culture good Pay sucks Amazon sucks (I’m ex-Amazon)

Express Scripts roqf56 OP Feb 4

Thanks for that. Is there any indication of RTO like with Amazon?

One Medical OdNc64 Feb 4

No indication at this time that I have seen

One Medical HomerJay Feb 29

Morale has tanked since the acquisition. It’s gotten more corporate for sure as expected I guess. But I really did like the idea of “transforming healthcare” and the whole vibe when Amir was the CEO. He was way more down to earth and had a passion for the work. Now it’s just verrry drab.